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Michael Thomas Thoughts on Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, and Ramblings-It's All Here in...


Aug 25, 20242 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight Is Ready to Go! And I Wrote a Poem This Week Too.
Well, the final edit is in, and it has cleared. Uncle Boog and the Dogfight is available now at . Here is the page site:...

Aug 18, 20242 min read
Poem-a-Week: A Twofer of Poems and the Horizon Before Sunrise
If you live here in Arkansas as I do, you know this last week has had a couple of days that have been fricking hot. Twice, Kellie and I...

Aug 11, 20242 min read
Poem-a-Week: I Have Four, but How Many Do You Need? Two? Yes, Two!
That's right! I have four poems that I could share today. For the past week, I have been leaving the editing of Uncle Boog and the...

Aug 4, 20242 min read
Poem-a-Week Challenge: One of Three
Oh, boy! I wrote three poems this week, but I am only going to share one with you because this is the last Sunday before the Sunday that...

Jul 28, 20242 min read
Poem-a-Week: I Think I Am Me
Quite frankly, a sunrise as beautiful as the one above that was taken last Friday morning can cause a person to have an existential...

Jul 27, 20245 min read
Travelogue: Niagara Trip: The Last Day!
Honestly, I don't think that either Kellie or I anticipated that our road trip was at an end that day when we woke up in Lexington,...

Jul 25, 20245 min read
Travelogue: Niagara Trip: Day Five, Serpent Mound, Blue Lick Battlefield, Daniel Boone's Cabin, a Whisky Tasting Tour, and Dinner at Charlie Brown's
As you can tell from the title, the fifth day of our Niagara Trip was the busiest day of the trip. It was also one of the most...

Jul 22, 20242 min read
Poem-a-Week Times Two: You Didn't Think I Had Forgotten Did You?
I took this picture the other day on one of my rose blossoms. My red rose bush is going crazy. It has over a dozen blooms on it right...

Jul 19, 20245 min read
Travelogue: Niagara Trip: Day Four, Rainy Day in Toronto--Nope!
I put " Accentuate the Positive Frog" at the top of this blog because I came off sounding fairly negative yesterday in the blog. I know...

Jul 18, 20247 min read
Travelogue: Niagara Trip: Day Three at the Falls
As you can see in the picture, we are at Niagara Falls, this was the best picture that I had of all three of the falls, the American...

Jul 15, 20245 min read
Travelogue: Niagara Trip: Day Two, Kinzua Bridge State Park
Pretty much exhausted from all the walking and riding the day before, Kellie and I lay asleep in the motel in La Grange, Kentucky on Day...

Jul 14, 20244 min read
Travelogue: Niagara Trip: Day One
Sunday morning at 5:15 AM, Kellie and I hit the road for our trip whose final destination was Niagara Falls. However, for us, the journey...

Jul 6, 20241 min read
A Hot Sun and a Cold Poem-of-the-Week
Kellie, Luna, and I go for a walk/hike every morning. We usually are out and about between 5:30 and 6:15 AM. One morning this week, we...

Jun 30, 20242 min read
Bluebird Pugilist: The Poem-a-Week Challenge and Seeking Some Help
Bluebird Pugilist BAM! BAM! BAM! The bluebird rams the window with his chest. Tick! Tick! He strikes the glass pane with his beak. He...

Jun 23, 20242 min read
Back at It! A Flower Picture and a Poem-a-Week!
Kellie took the picture of the Carolina Chicory above. It is growing in a few places around the fairgrounds where we go for our daily...

Jun 9, 20243 min read
Two Poems: Neither One for Our Anniversary
For our anniversary this year (17), Kellie and I took a quick trip to St. Louis and spent a couple of days doing our favorite things:...

Jun 2, 20243 min read
A Butterfly Poem and One More Dose of Cherries (They Are All Gone!)
I took the picture of this butterfly on my rosebush beside the house. Shortly after, I came in to write a poem about it because I thought...

May 26, 20244 min read
Cherries, Finches, and Pies: Poem-a-Week
How about we start off with the poem? That seems like a good idea. ENJOY! A Disagreement with a Finch About the Size of a Pie I have a...

May 19, 20243 min read
Poem-a-Week, Pink Roses, and Butterflies
The gem above was found on a wild rose bush. Most wild rose blooms are white or some shade of red, but this one had some gorgeous pink...

May 12, 20241 min read
A Poem for Poem-a-Week and a Yellow Indian-pink
According to Pl@ntNet Identify, the little beauty above is called an Indian-pink even though there is no pink on it. Well, maybe a slight...

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