Quite frankly, a sunrise as beautiful as the one above that was taken last Friday morning can cause a person to have an existential crisis. However, the poem below is not the result of a personal existential crisis in me. It is what happens when an artist starts a poem, and the poem breaks the bit and runs off in it own direction without the poet being able to rein it in. One thing that I have learned in writing both bad and good poems over many years is that you do have to let some have their way. Sometimes, they go to places you might not expect. Sometimes, they come right back to you.` Sometimes, they end up in the blackberry thicket where you don't want to go in after them. This is one that I may eventually leave in the thicket. Tell me what you think. ENJOY!
I Think I Am Me
And what is this I call a thought?
An urge that prods but raises not?
A warning of advancing stress?
Discomfort at a neutral gaze?
A pathway through an unstringed maze
That ends inside a wilderness?
Or is it just a piece of soul
Seeking a figure to control
Like bulkheads aim to curb the sea?
I thought one time I did conceive
A truth that wise folk might believe
Then, I realized that it was me.
A crisis of identity
Has led me to the brink.
Am I a sea anemone
Or am I me because I think
I am?
Don't forget! I will have my copy of Uncle Boog and the Dogfight in my hands tomorrow. You might have a copy in your hands in a couple of weeks.
