That's right! I have four poems that I could share today. For the past week, I have been leaving the editing of Uncle Boog and the Dogfight to Kellie. I haven't been editing, I haven't been writing new stories, so that leaves me with time to mess around with a lot of different poetic ideas. Some turn out all right: some go into the trash bin of the mind. I am really trying hard to stay away from nature poems because we did the whole last book on nature poems. Here is a look at that book in case you have forgotten what it looks like.

This book is only available at because of its gigantic 8 1/2 X 11 size, but everyone I've spoken to says that she or he likes the larger size. Also, at $9.20, it is cheaper than a coloring book though it could be used as one.
Okay! Okay! On to a couple of poems! Here is one about the sun. Let's see if I don't have a picture of a flower imitating the sun. Indeed, I do.

Sol Says
I slip over snow-capped mountains,
Sparkle in their icy fountains,
And fall into their valleys with a shine.
Each crack of dawn, I send my rays
To clothe the world in patterned days
And every celebrant of life is mine.
It’s what I do and what I know
That makes green stems and flowers grow
And some creatures to ponder time and love.
I fill the land, the sea, the air.
I’m always here or over there.
I’m everything the Earth is dreaming of.
But to galaxies we pass,
I’m just a lonely ball of gas,
Dragging along a spattering of dust.
They believe in Fermi’s curse,
A silent, lifeless universe
So they go whirling off because they must.
Yeah, I know. It is a bit of a nature poem, but I writes'em as I sees'em.
Well, here is another one that is still, in a way, about the sun. ENJOY!
A Brainless Bloom
I gazed at the night sky into a mirror,
A swirling chaos to ill-formed for error
And saw myself the antonym of Love.
The cosmos is not heaven.
It’s just a vacuum even,
So full of space, it has no room to move.
Tell me!
Where in this shapeless void is left
A hidey-hole inside a cleft
Where one can watch as holiness walks by?
I ask this with a most deceitful smile
Because I know the answer all the while.
Someone who sees a god is bound to die.
We’ve numbered all the black holes and the lights,
We’ve named a million unseen satellites,
And now, we’ve but to tremble and obey.
We live beneath a tyrant’s gaze
Who cooks our souls and counts our days
But barely drives a brainless bloom to sway.
Don't forget. You can always email me and tell me what you think about the poems or if you would like me to write about anything in particular. My email is Or, as a lot of folks do, comment on the poems in Facebook. When I notice notifications of Facebook comments, I always read them.