Kellie got this great picture of a giant tarantula that crawled out of the woods and into our yard. It was probably about eight inches from the tip of its front leg to the end of its body. I don't believe I have ever seen one quite so big in the wild. I wish that it would have been the kind of thing that inspired me to write a poem, but it isn't. My interest in spiders ebbs and wanes. I didn't get any feeling from this one.
However, the other day while walking at the fairgrounds, I saw the three Crow brothers on the fence at the rodeo. Now, do I know they are brothers? No, if someone can tell me how to tell the gender of a crow by looking at it from afar, I would be pleased to know. I do know that this murder (A group of crows really is a murder.) of crows hangs out around the fairgrounds and the city park year round. I assume that they must be siblings or may be a three-way mates thing, but I have seen these same three crows around for years now. I find it hard not to write about them because they are so serious and goofy, curious and aloof, and silly but scary. I already have another poem in mind besides this one. Here it is. ENJOY!
The Three Crow Brothers Again
There’s the three Crow brothers
On the rodeo fence,
A cawin’ and a jawin’
And a lookin’ intense.
They’ve got a lots of ideas
In their tiny little head
Of a checkin’ and a peckin’
On some things that turn up dead.
They’re a flittin’ and a skittin’
And a telling big ol’ lies
‘Bout the time the found a human
And they gobbled down his eyes.
I know just what they’re saying
‘Cause I know just what they do
There a layin’ and a prayin’
That tonight’s dinner is you.
I have a few copies of Uncle Boog and the Dogfight on the way if anybody is interested. The book is not flying off the shelves like I assumed that it might (JK!). If you would like a copy let me know. I may sign it if you want me to do so. Anyway...I sure would appreciate it if all you blog readers would help me get the word out. I have about 26 regular blog readers. If they got two other people to buy the book, that would be 78. If those 78 each got two other people to buy the book that would be 234 books. Next thing you know, I'd have a bestseller. Wouldn't that be great? :)
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight is available at Lulu.com and Amazon.com. I haven't found it anywhere else yet.

See you all here next week.