I have had a new phone for about three or four months now. I don't like it. So far, I have not been able to figure out how to take consistently good photos with it like I could with my old phone. However, I found this moth or butterfly sitting on a bed of pine needles along the road, and I got the good picture above without even getting too close. If you open the photo by clicking it, you can get a really good sense of all the details. Maybe, I've been trying to get to close.
Well, you know that when I am writing poems, I tend to get stuck on certain themes. The last month or so, I have seen the three crow brothers nearly every time I walk at the Salem City Park and Fulton County fairgrounds whether in the evenings or the mornings. Wherever they happen to be sitting or whatever they happen to be doing gets a ditty started in my head, and then I have to follow it to its conclusion--or, at least, all that I can fit in my head. This week, I saw the crow brothers doing a few different things, and the lyrics just popped into my head. Someday, I may join these things together or finish them besides what I can sing in my head as I walk, but, for now, we are not revising these. They are what they are and here they are. ENJOY!
The Three Crow Brothers IV
There’s them three Crow brothers
A scratchin’ in the clay
A searchin’ for some shiny thing
To brighten up their day.
One has found a bottle cap,
That’s sparkly red and round.
The other two are puzzlin’ at
A bleached white thing they’ve found.
It used to have two coal black eyes
And soft, fur-covered skin,
And a pink and raspy tongue
Inside its possum grin.
But now it has a toothy smile
Like all dead mammals do.
The three crows think it looks like them.
I think it looks like you.
The Three Crow Brother V
Up there’s them three crow brothers
A hidin’ in the pines.
Seems Satan needs some messengers
To serve some heedful lines.
He’s got some for politicians,
And some for corrupt cops,
And one for he whose dark desires
Aren’t sated till he stops.
There’s some for pulpit preachers
Who don’t speak as they do.
I’ll ask the brothers, but I think
That he’s got one for you.
Well, to my knowledge, one person has read Uncle Boog and the Dogfight and proclaimed, (This is pretty much an exact quote.) "I started it, and I couldn't put it down." You better get your copy and see if you can put it down. Here is where it is at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Uncle-Boog-Dogfight-Michael-Thomas/dp/1304261174/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2DKFI2QCXCAZM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OyhVU7Mus8xj_IbC5SgxFg.h8HWpO6scRpqx-fpu7KHg8sVRh0Ol9HwR2HRRr8ITfc&dib_tag=se&keywords=uncle+boog+and+the+dogfight&qid=1728232262&sprefix=uncle+boog+and+%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-1
And here is where you can find it at Lulu:https://www.lulu.com/shop/michael-thomas/uncle-boog-and-the-dogfight/paperback/product-2m5rjp7.html?q=uncle+boog+and+the+dogfight&page=1&pageSize=4
There, I've done all the work for you. All you have to do is click. Here is what the book looks like:

Don't be missing out on it! Go get you a copy!