This week's picture truly goes well with this week's poem. That morning's sunrise was all over the place with its colors, and the poem is all over the place with its imagery. I kept writing the poem even though it was going nowhere. The words were in my mind, so I kept typing. Some day, I will sort and revise it. Right now, I think I still have another 20 lines or so to add. Tell me what you think about this wild fragment of a poem. ENJOY!
Oh, a bolide is a large meteor that seems to explode. A copper one would have a greenish glow to it.
A Fragment About a Fragment
I watched the copper bolide shoot
Through the sky, an errant spear.
I saw its seedling spark take root
In fallowed fogs of morning air.
The nimbly glowing mist entwined
The deep shadows of woodland boughs.
It spread into the fields and vined
Across the backs of dozing cows.
Then, spokes sprang forth; a giant wheel
That spun in whirls quicker than thought
Gyrated up a nearby hill
And on the rising moon was caught.
There it twirled like sun-lit lightning
Spitting at the universe.
The soft horizon, slowly brightening,
Absorbed the brunt, or even worse,
Let the sputum pierce it with each pass
And cut the secrets of Earth’s heart,
A mix of molten rock and glass,
That sat and worried at its part
Of gathering the pink and gold,
Collecting all the precious gems,
And keeping every color in its hold,
But still the liquid spilled over its rims.
Some horizontal cloudlets, thin and dark,
Stained the auburn liquor as it spread
And scarred the browning wheat sheaves with their mark
Above the stubbled ground, graying and dead.
As I said in the title Uncle Boog and the Dogfight has been released for global distribution. I am not sure what that means yet. Here is where it can be found at Lulu: https://www.lulu.com/shop/michael-thomas/uncle-boog-and-the-dogfight/paperback/product-2m5rjp7.html?q=Uncle+Boog+and+the+dogfight&page=1&pageSize=4
I think clicking on the link will take you there or...
Here it is at Amazon:
So far, those are the only two places that I can find the book. Lulu says that it may take 6-8 weeks for all online book sellers to pick it up. You can help encourage the others to speed up the process by purchasing copies of your own and encouraging friends and family to do so. I will sign your book whenever you invite me to visit. Here is what it looks like again.

I am now working on getting together a book length version of Aunt Charlotte's Crib, the second story (in order of creation not Dewey Lynn's life chronology). I have to say this. It is hard to work on poetry and prose fiction at the same time. You should try it!
See you next week!