Oh, boy! I wrote three poems this week, but I am only going to share one with you because this is the last Sunday before the Sunday that I have to go back to work. I really do not have any great desire to return to work. It would be nice if I could make money from all the writing that I do--and reading.
But, the reality is that students are out there waiting to be educated, and I have the knowledge and tools to do it even if I lack the desire. So, even though I wrote this poem back on Monday or Tuesday, and I was not feeling the impending return to the college campus, it is somewhat fitting to my mood this morning. Don't let it get YOU down! You probably don't get summers off like I do. ENJOY!
The Shadow of a Cloud Passes Over Me
It stirred me though it lacked both light and mass.
I felt a hint of coolness as it passed
And climbed the lily’s stalk and dimmed its flowers.
I watched it as its darkness spread
And drew life’s essence from the dead
And breathed the spirits up like inverse showers.
The shade was like a squall caged in a prison,
A whirlwind guillotined as it had risen,
Or thunderstorm that never roiled to being,
Yet the shadow made me shiver
Knowing chaos spreads forever
And light and life and love are always fleeing.
I have finished my editing of the proof of Uncle Boog and the Dogfight. I want Kellie to take one last look at it. I found enough errors that I want to fix them. This time I only found a few repeated words such as in this phrase "...like bone like white..." and "...chairs chair..." I don't know how or why I do it or how I missed things like that in the first and second edit. However, there were enough of those types of mistakes that I am editing ONE MORE TIME. This IS the last one. I promise. Then, we've got to get to work on getting this thing our there and getting people to buy it. That is always the hard part.
