I took this picture early in the week last week before Hurricane Helene came along. It wasn't sunset, and it wasn't even all that stormy, but the clouds sure did look dramatic as the sun tried to peek through them.
Whenever I walk, I think about what I want to write about when I get a chance to sit down. With poems, I can usually get most of a poem in my head and then fix the words as I write them down. With stories or parts of stories, it is much, much harder. Lately, as I walk, I see those same three crows, and I simply have to start a poem by telling where they are sitting and what they are doing, and the rest comes naturally. The rhymes end up taking a rope-skipping type of rhythm that also works well with the beat of my walking. You all know how hung up I get on certain themes. I may keep going with the crow brothers as long as I see them every day.
Oh, and I did check out with a bird watching website, and crow brothers do hang out together. Crow brothers are likely to hang out in the territories of their parents and brothers. Crow daughters tend to leave the parents' territory to find mates. Sooo...the crow brothers might actually be brothers, or they could be Mom, Dad, and Junior.
Anyhow...here is this week's poem about the Crow brothers. ENJOY!
The Three Crow Brothers III
There’s them three crow brothers
A quarrelin’ in the road,
A fightin’ and a bitin’
At a roadkill toad.
Along comes a blue streak,
A quirky, perky jay,
Gives the brothers what for
And steals their meal away.
The three crow brothers
Are a lookin’ at each other.
Each of them is thinkin’
He could do without a brother.
They could do without each other,
I have no doubt it’s true,
But they sure as heck don’t need
A nosy stranger like you.
Don't forget to go to Amazon and buy yourself a copy of Uncle Boog and the Dogfight. You know it would really be cool if you did a review. Yeah! Write a review for me, please. It's a small ask.
