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Michael Thomas Thoughts on Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, and Ramblings-It's All Here in...


May 21, 20224 min read
Okay! Back to Literary Stuff! And...uh...Some Pictures of Flowers
Anyway, the weed flowers or the ‘accidentals” are nearly gone from the yard here on the day that marks the beginning of my fifty-sixth...

May 19, 20222 min read
More May Flowers and Another Old Poem Blooming Again
Anyway, we start off today with a close up of some flowers on a bush that I have no memories of what it was called, but it was purchased...

May 15, 20222 min read
April Hail Brings May Flowers: Somehow That Doesn't Seem Right: Oh! And a Poem
I have no idea what this tiny, tiny little flower is. There were three of them in the yard growing wild. Zoom in when you look at it. It...

May 9, 20223 min read
Fire the Blogger! Hire the Photographer!
I reckon I should probably be fired. I have not posted a blog since April 10, nearly a month ago. It was right after Kellie and I...

Apr 10, 20223 min read
Fire, Fire Way Too Close But the Flower Pictures Are Beautiful
I have a whole bunch of cool pictures to post taken during the hiking excursion that Kellie and I took today, but first, I must tell you...

Apr 3, 20223 min read
Musing about Flowers and Such
Anyway, if you've been keeping up with me on Facebook, you know that I have shared the pictures that Kellie posted on her feed and tagged...
Mar 29, 20222 min read
Where Have I Been? Editing Uncle Boog and the Dogfight. Where Have You Been? Ready to Read UBatD?
Mar 14, 202215 min read
Dewey Lynne Has Some News
Howdy, y’all! Dewey Lynne Bugler here, the teller of the true tale about Uncle Boog and the dogfight. How ya doing? I hope things are...

Feb 25, 20223 min read
Something Cold, Something New
Today, Luna and I returned to our daily walking. The picture accompanying this blog shows what about half of the 2/3 mile path around the...

Feb 20, 20222 min read
A New (Revised) Poem for a Change
Anyway, Dewey Lynne is having a rest. I do not even have a bit of a note scratched for the next Dewey Lynne Bugler story. I am not sure...
Feb 16, 202214 min read
Why I’m Telling My Tales Now by Dewey Lynne Bugler
So, I was in the Piggly Wiggly the other day buying a tin of coffee and a carton of cigarettes for Flo, and I felt a weird vibe like I...
Feb 13, 202211 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight: Part 18: Whatcha Gonna Do?
So, the two of us are standing on the big flat rock a looking out over the dark pool of water that’s glowing like a lamp on the top...
Feb 6, 202213 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight: Part 17: “Five Thousand dollars, Dewey Lynne”
I had got Uncle Boog’s wager in exactly when I was supposed to, and it was the last bet allowed to be made, so there was nothing left to...
Feb 5, 20229 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight: Part 16: Uncle Boog Sets a Price on His Life
Let’s see, where were we now… Uncle Boog had been let into the pallet ring by Jimbo Tuttle who closed the one loose pallet like he might...
Feb 4, 20229 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight: Part 15: Cold Beer and Bedtime
Uncle Boog and the Mexican Victor Sanchez had rolled out of Uncle Boog’s tackle like a couple of professional wrestlers on Saturday Night...
Feb 2, 202217 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight: Part 14: So, I Haven’t Been Messing Around with Anybody
If you’ve ever been out on a summer night in deep woods country near a body of water and far, far away from houses, concrete, and paved...
Jan 23, 20226 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight: Part 13: Feeling Bad, Feeling Better
So, I had that feeling of the foundations of my faith being shaken not unlike many, many young folks who, at some point in their maturing...
Jan 20, 202211 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight: Part 12: The Narrator Witnesses His First and Last Dogfight
Where was I? Oh, yeah… Well, the crowd had started gathering thicker and thicker along the pallet wall of the ring, and the noise they...
Jan 17, 20227 min read
Uncle Boog and the Dogfight: Part 11: The Mexicans Arrive and Bring The Devil with Them
Sorry about that last little bit at the end of the last part of the story, I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I stepped up on a...
Jan 15, 20228 min read
Uncle Boog: Part 10: Meeting The Tiger and the Local Crowd and then Your Narrator Gets Preachy
“No, I ain’t seen him yet. Some of us have been too busy workin.” That is what I said as I shrugged Uncle Boog’s slimy, cold grip from...

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