I have no idea what this tiny, tiny little flower is. There were three of them in the yard growing wild. Zoom in when you look at it. It is a bunch of little white flowers in a circle.

So, today, I am posting flowers that are here in the yard in May. Most of the pictures that I am posting are perennials that are not domesticated like the purply-pink flower above. It is a weed. When the blooms are gone it will have to be weed-eated or pulled up, but my, my the flower is pretty.

This one is the same weed, but it is in the flower bed. I can see the Hosta in the background at the top of the picture.

Okay, I am cheating. This is a black flower that we got at a new "getting place" on the court square. I am really amazed at the unique color.

This yellow jewel is also a very, very tiny flower on a clover stem. I would say it was a quarter inch across or so. You can see the upside down heart shape of one clover leaf above the flower.

I sure do love my irises. My favorite iris colors came out after I took this picture. I didn't think I was going to have any irises because the hail shredded all the iris leaves, but they came back with the leaves full of holes.

Here is a close up of what Mom said is nightshade. It just started growing in one of our flower beds a couple of years ago, and I let it grow. Does anybody know if that's what this really is?

I know! I know! Who takes a picture of a dandelion? I do. That's who! I like unique shapes and colors in flowers, and this dandelion is a beauty close up. It has been mowed down by now. I hope everyone is happy.

The blooms above are from a Butterfly bush that my mom got me for my birthday several years ago. It had no leaves or blooms out when the storm hit. The azaleas (below) had just started blooming when the hail storm came. The bushes were basically raked bare of all leaves and flowers. They azalea bushes themselves still do not look to great. The limbs are all broken and bent and splintered, but the flowers close up are gorgeous. This photo is my last one from walking around in the yard taking pictures on May 12. After that, you will find a poem that I wrote in 1988 and re-wrote a bit this morning. Enjoy!

A Nature Boy
I sing my songs like breathless wind,
I shush the brook in its babble,
I pollinate an inspired mind,
Yet the most I do is dabble.
My words lay brown on barren ground
In the dust rain rinses to wash.
Ocean-bound, infused with sound,
On distant shores, they rise and splash.
I grow and wave, blossom and sigh
To picket the post that I keep
Watching the sky with vigilante eye
Till evening comes and I fall asleep.