I have a whole bunch of cool pictures to post taken during the hiking excursion that Kellie and I took today, but first, I must tell you about having the s@*t scared out of us with the threat of being burned alive. We hiked up on West Livingstone creek toward Partee Springs and on up into the valley as far as the four wheeler trail goes. When we went into the forest, we knew that there was a smoke warning because there were distant fires on the other side of Highway 5, far, far away from where we were as far as we could tell.
Anyway, on our way back, we come around the corner where the bike trail and the four wheeler trail meet up, and, suddenly, a wall of flame is shooting up above us and over us to the right. The flames are on the ground and up in the top of the pine trees. You could literally not see through the flames. We started walking faster because the trail led away from the wall of flame. However, we noticed that there was smoke on the hill above where our car was parked and spot flames, like little baskets of fire, were dotted all over the hillside. I told Kellie I was going to run to the car to make sure it was okay, and I took off running without her. Of course, she is still gimpy from her foot surgery and wearing the metal brace. I ran for what seemed like a half mile worried about the flames that were on the hillside above our car. Had they burned through where our car was? Anyhow, I got to the car, and where it was, no fire had come through. Though some flaming leaves and other fire had obviously blown over the top of the car and set the woods afire past and above it. I jumped in the car and turned it around to go get Kellie, and there she was about 100 yards behind me. She had really scooted along for someone with a foot in a metal brace. We escaped unharmed. With maybe a little bit smoke inhalation, but, for a few moments, it was scary as hell. We did get some good flower pictures though before the fire scare. Here are some of the ones that I took. By the way, if you click on the pictures, they get larger, and you can zoom or move around in the picture.

I am a fan of purple flowers. I think these are some version of the Rose Verbena, but I am not sure. Here are more purple flowers below.

I have no idea what the previous one is.

Here is a cluster of verbena's in the white sand of the creek.

I do not know the name of this flower either. That is the end of the the purple flowers that I took. Here is a tiny white flower.

These pink and yellow flowers were so tiny and delicate that it was hard to get them with the wind blowing. As you can see, the wind curled the petals

I have no idea what this moss or fern is, but it sure is weird. I have another picture, but I think I will wait and post Kellie's. She has a great one of this fern or moss.

I am so glad that I got this Starfire, which I always knew as Indian Paintbrush. They are tough to find in such good shape with petals fully extended.

My dad probably would have called these bitterweed, but, if they are not in your hayfield, they can be awfully pretty.

Here is a view of Partee Spring. As you know, I grew up in Mountain View and ran around in the National Forest all of my life, but today was the first day I had ever seen Partee Spring. It's pretty cool. I may post another blog with Kellie's pictures later. See ya around.