Okay, so it’s not always the first question that people ask when they discover that I have written and published books of poetry, but most people eventually get around to it: Who the heck is William Joy Bragi? Quite simply, he is a guy that I made up as an alter ego and a member of my Scriblerus Club who eventually became a character that pops up in my writing over and over again. Then, as a joke, I had him step into reality, steal the poems from my second book The Mercy Killing: The Death of Poetry, and publish them in his name. It turned out to be a joke on me because more people have made comments and review about his writing than mine.
As far as the character himself, “William” was chosen as his first name because the greatest writer in western literature had the first name William, so my alter ego companion had to have that name. “Joy” is more of the attitude that I had intended the character to have toward all things literary than it is a name although his personality has changed drastically as I have aged. He is a bit cynical now. Go figure. The name is also a bit of a tribute to my mother Joyce. Bragi is the Norse god of poetry whose name actually is skaldic for poet, I believe. I’ll have to check on that one. Anyway, that’s the story behind the name.
It is a bit odd that I actually have written an unpublished poem that is currently titled “When a Powerful Will Departed” in which I laid this character to rest. Now, as I am starting to get word out about my writing, the old and the new, he keeps popping up again and again. Here is the final section of that poem. I can share the rest with you if you are interested.
Do not think I have changed my fickle mind
Because this art form seems to love you gone--
I will conceal the rhymes you leave behind
As though they are but dead words of my own.
On to eternity, Old Poet!
Take with you this seedy generation
Of egoistic dealers in bootless woe.
--No friends to men nor imagination
Are they—And right damned eager to show it!
That Will that you knew, I no longer know.
If you would like to know more about Will J just ask.