Please do not forget that accomplished novelist Annie England Noblin will be signing copies of her new novel Christmas in Blue Dog Valley on Tuesday, September 27 from 5:00-7:00 PM at Wages Brewery in West Plains, Missouri. She has graciously invited me to set up a table with her and sign copies of my new book of poetry Atheists and Empty Spaces. Please come join us on this special occasion.
I went to Wages Brewery on Saturday and, for most people, the easiest way to find Wages Brewery is to get on the 63 bypass that goes by the West Plains race track and the Glass Sword Cinema movie theater headed east toward Koshkonong and Thayer. 63 business turns left at the last light going out of town (the traffic light right after the one at the movie theater). Go about a quarter of a mile down 63B and Wages will be on the right in a strip mall-type set up. It is pretty big and hard to miss.
I hope to see a lot of people there and make some new friends.