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Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poem.-Edgar Allan Poe

Poetry is when emotion has found its thought and thought has found words--Robert Frost

Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance--Carl Sandburg

I have nothing to say, I am saying it, and that is poetry--John Cage

You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some of it with you--Joseph Joubert

Poetry is what in a poem makes you laugh, cry, prickle, be silent, makes your toe nails twinkle, makes you want to do this or that or nothing, makes you know that you are alone in the unknown world, that your bliss and suffering is forever shared and forever all your own. ~Dylan Thomas

See What You Think: Three Poetic Versions of One Idea: A Morning Kiss


Okay, I am commenting again at the top, so my readers know there is something going on. There is! Today, we are going to look at three poetic versions of one idea. The idea came from a poem in The Purple and Blue Collection, and I thought that I would revise the poem by imitating other authors. I am not going to tell you who, but I will say the last one is a contemporary writer.

All three versions of the poems are sonnets. Two are traditional Shakespearean-style sonnets, and the last is fourteen lines of non-rhythmic, unrhymed verse-- a free verse sonnet if you will and such a thing can exist. Now, what I would like for you to do, my gentle and loyal readers, is tell me which version you like best in the comments or by emailing me. Simply say "Version 1," "Version 2," or "Version 3." If you would care to tell me why you prefer a certain version, that would be awesome, but I don't really want my blog readers to feel like I give them homework.

Today's verses are accompanied by pictures of flowers that either Kellie or I have taken on our daily walks. The one above is from a tree that I cannot figure out. The tree looks like a peach tree, but, as you can see, those are not peach blooms. I think it could be cherry, but the tree bark does not look like a cherry tree at all. Maybe a plum?

As always, ENJOY both the attempts at poetry and the pictures!

A Morning Kiss

Version 1

I close my hungry eyes and search for you

But hear no bashful sound nor catch a scent.

Small feet made traces in the morning dew,

And, preying, I step softly where they went.

In mists of ethereal light, I see

A willowy nymph crouching and weaving.

She pauses beneath the Sycamore tree,

Pink cheeks panting and breathless breasts heaving.

The time has come to consummate this chase,

So I devise an ambush that won’t miss.

I’ll set a seductive smile on my face

And sweeten it with vows of just one kiss,

The kiss, I’ll swear, will be both quick and chaste,

But hope it shows we have no time to waste.

Version 2

I woke from teasing dreams and wanted more,

Sniffed your pillowcase to catch your scent,

Saw footprints in light smudges on the floor,

And, preying, followed softly where they went.

I stood outside the fog-screened door and waited

To glimpse you in full glory through the steam,

But you bathed longer than anticipated,

So I returned to bed and to my dream.

There, I devised a scheme that would not miss.

I’d set an amorous smile on my face

And plead to you with vows of just one kiss.

This kiss, I’ll swear, will be both quick and chaste,

But then I will seduce you with its haste.

Version 3

I woke from erotic dreams to find you gone,

A single hair of yours on the pillow.

I heard the shush of water in the shower

And thought I might join you there,

But when I opened the bathroom door,

You seemed to be so in the moment

That I felt it wrong to interrupt.

I went back to bed alone and waited,

Thinking how I could convince you to join me.

I thought I might lie about one kiss,

Just one, quick and light, no petting.

I didn’t know if I could help but smile,

For all along, I planned to seduce you

And take you back with me into my dreams.


I find that I cannot exist without Poetry--without eternal poetry--half the day will not do--the whole of it--I began with a little, but habit has made me a Leviathan.-John Keats

We do not quite say that the new is more valuable because it fits in; but its fitting in is a test of its value.-T. S. Eliot

A man may praise and praise, but no one recollects but that which pleases.-George Gordon, Lord Byron

The great beauty of poetry is that it makes everything in every place interesting.-John Keats

Our faulty elder poets sacrificed the passion and passionate flow of poetry to the subtleties of intellect and to the stars of wit; the moderns to the glare and glitter of a perpetual, yet broken and heterogeneous imagery, or rather to an amphibious something, made up, half of image, and half of abstract meaning. The one sacrificed the heart to the head; the other both heart and head to point and drapery.-S. T. Coleridge

The purpose of rhythm, it has always seemed to me, is to prolong the moment of contemplation, the moment when we are both asleep and awake, which is the one moment of creation.-W. B. Yeats

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