Today, when Kellie and I got home from a morning at the doctor's office and a meeting at ASUMH (that's where we work), a long-awaited package was sitting by the door. The package contained 20 advance copies of my book Atheists and Empty Spaces and several posters, bookmarks, and pamphlets. I didn't bother counting posters, bookmarks, and pamphlets because I will do that later. My mind is in a flurry of "What-can-I-do-now?"
The first thing that came to my mind is exactly what I am doing right now. I have between ten and twenty regular readers of my blog. You folks are the ones who keep me going. I would like to hear from more of you more often, but I cannot express how much I appreciate those who even take a glance at my attempts to entertain others through the written word, and I want you gals and guys to know first about the advanced copies and accoutrements if only by a few minutes or hours. I have advance copies of my book!
Atheists and Empty Spaces will become available to the general public on most bookselling websites including www.austinmacauley.com/us on August 31 and available through mail-order using the pamphlet pictured above.
Really! Who orders books by mail anymore? But, you can print the pamphlet and do that if you want. I have no idea how long it will take to come in. My advance copies were shipped from Cambridge, Great Britain.
Anyway, I am excited! I don't know what to do yet. I am ready to start talking about this book that has been at least ten to fifteen years in the making. Won't you join me? Enjoy!