Kellie took this picture last week of this little flower that bloomed in a flower pot on the porch. With the 20 degree temperatures last night, pretty much everything but the Mums are toast, and they are not looking too good.
Anyway, yesterday, I started on some revisions to Uncle Boog and the Dogfight. You see, the problem is that the story that I began as a serial story, making up each part as I wrote it with no plan where it was going, ended up being around 38,000 words. That is 18,000 words too long to submit to publications as a short story, and something like 22,000 words short of novel length. Thus, I have two options. I can shorten it and skip a lot of information, or I can add to it. My first thought was to add to it, so that is what I am doing.
As long as I am working on that project, I probably won't be putting out much other stuff unless I feel inspired. I thoroughly believe in writing inspired poetry when I feel it, and when I do feel it, I put all else aside. I do not control when I am inspired, so it is impossible for me to say if I might be. Generally, when I am in a period of lucid dreaming, I get my best ideas.
Anyhow, I am still reading and listening for requests, but unless I get some, I am going to work on revising Uncle Boog and the Dogfight.
I would invite all of my readers to revisit Uncle Boog and the Dogfight. It is in the blog under its own tab in the drop menu if you select the little down arrow. The story is saved in Dropbox as a PDF document, so you can download it to your computer. Please read it again or for the first time, and please feel free to offer suggestions where you would lengthen the story by adding more to it. I do listen to my readers whenever they offer advice.
Usually, I end with the word ENJOY! but I have given you nothing to read. About, later?