You folks remember a while back--a long time back--I said that I would do requests for poems. I have had two requests. Kellie's sister Diane requested a poem about cardinals, so I did The Third Cardinal Sin. Now, Kellie has asked me for a poem about mushrooms. It is below.

All four of the mushroom photos here are courtesy of Kellie. She took the pictures when we went on the hiking expedition to Greer Spring on August 13. I chose the four images that best seem to fit with the poem.

Anyway, I have not rescinded my offer to write poems upon request. You are welcome to ask. I may not honor a request, but I will let you know why if I can't do it. For instance, I doubt that I could do it if someone asked, "Write a poem about your grandma." I would say, "Nope, I don't write poems about real individuals." I can do fictional characters, but I would never attempt to do a word portrait of a real person.
One more picture of a mushroom and then the poem follows. Enjoy!

The Good Mushroom
I am not a sun-lover.
But, what can I say?
I spend nights in the dark
And my days swathed in gray.
Don’t pity me though.
I prefer it that way.
I am a fungus fruit.
My mycelium weaves
Its threads through loose soil
And composting leaves.
I will only sprout when
The network believes
We are ready to spread
On the ripe forest floor.
Then, I pop up my cap
And I respire my spore,
Smoke-like in the air,
From each gill and each pore.
Not much like a flower
Though my stint is as brief,
My stalk is not shared
With a limb or a leaf,
And I know I’m no beauty.
That’s just not my belief.
I am sober not needy.
I do not tempt the bees
To sip on my insides
Or powder their knees
With promiscuous pollen.
My spores make their own breeze.
I am healthful or deadly.
I don’t quite have that down.
Take a look at my gills.
Are they white, tan, or brown?
The darker, the better,
Pale is like a cross bone,
And when my cap’s red,
Best to leave me ALONE.
Yes, alone in the shade
On the forest’s moist floor,
Where I’ll stand solemnly
For three days or more,
Then, I’ll fall and be done.
What’s a good mushroom for?