I have plenty to say after the poem, but let's have a look at it first. Oh! And a picture of Sunny riding in the car on the way to New Perspectives Living.

165 Days
I can't believe how much time
It has taken for me to return
To New Perspectives Living
You recognize my concern.
Sunny happily joined me
For the car ride into town.
I couldn't go without her.
It would only let her down.
Sunny was nervous and eager.
She recognized the drive.
One we had taken regularly
Back when my mom was alive.
Yet she sensed a reluctance in me.
I don't know how dogs can tell.
Was there a change in my pulse or breath
That rang like a tolling bell?
She was ecstatic as we parked.
And more so when we walked in.
Her drooling tongue quickly gave way
To that Golden Retriever grin!
Even I felt a twinge of happiness
Greeting Bob in his smoking chair.
He sniffled some petting Sunny,
And life seemed a little unfair.
"Yes, it's been a while" I agreed.
"Too long" he quietly said.
I nodded and turned away
To face my next moment of dread.
But the visit at the front desk
Was one of great delight.
But still my heart tugged at me.
Something wasn't quite right.
Then Sunny dragged me
Down the hall she's known for years.
And I found myself unprepared
For the emotions and the tears.
Room one four five is occupied
By a different tenant today.
But Sunny doesn't know this,
And I struggled to pull her away.
I could see in her questioning eyes.
I could read her wondering mind.
"Why DID we bother to come here?
What were you hoping to find?"
I felt no peace in my heart.
It was breaking inside my chest.
Should I have given it more time?
Was this really for the best?
I think that today I should leave,
And forget about those old ways.
But maybe try to return again
In another one hundred sixty-five days.

Of course, you can tell that the above picture is another one of Sunny in the car. The picture below (All of these pictures have been shared with me by Aunt Marty.) is Sunny in the building at New Perspectives. Finally, before I start my bit of the blog, we have a picture of Sunny and Stella.

I must admit that I am a bit embarrassed with the amount of time that it has taken me to get this poem out now that I looked at the time stamps on the emails. Aunt Marty first emailed this poem to me on September 22. We shared a few revisions back and forth with a few other comments about writing in general until about November 11. Then, I was off for Fall break, and I never returned to this shared project. I offer no excuse other than I forgot about it until a week ago. I cannot say anything else.
So...why the special guest poet in the second week of returning to a weekly blog? That is an easy question to answer. Of the one hundred or so blogs that I have produced, Aunt Marty's poem in a blog last May was the fourth most successful blog that I have had--ever--with 55 total views and 44 unique visitors. If I am trying to get this blog rolling again, I might as well go with a formula that has worked. If all of my blogs were so successful, I would be nearing a 100,000 views and might be able to sell some advertising to, perhaps, be applied to the publication of a chapbook or something. Alas, that is not the case. Here is to hoping that the formula works again!
By the way, I am not too exclusive to share any other writings that my readers might want to share. I will say though that I am likely to be pretty tough editor before any writing gets on the blog. I want every writer to work to the best of her or his potential, right?
Anyway, if you would like to share a poem, a short story, an essay, or just some general words of wisdom, you are welcome to share them with me at mbt1966@yahoo.com. However, I cannot promise that I won't put your work aside and forget about it for a couple of months. Oh, dear!
As always, ENJOY! I will see you here next week.