Well, my friends, I didn't have a picture of my shadow or an early iris bloom, so an iris bloom from March 31 of last year will have to do.
As hinted in today's title, I am moving right along with my revisions, and I have revised and edited into the Poems-a-Week from March of last year. In fact, the two poems below both show an origination date of March 31. The next three poems on the flashdrive show a date of April 14. We will have to see if I can get all three revised by next week. Cross your fingers. And with your fingers crossed, please ENJOY the following revised poems that have been placed in the NO NAME BOOK.
I am still waiting to here from someone with a name for me. Um...not for me, but for the Poem-a-Week book.
Me and My Shadow
He’s as tall as a tree in the morning
But dissipates in sunlight like the moon.
Early in the day, he marks my warning
But he’s barely a kitten’s mewl by noon.
I’ve thought he plays a part like an echo.
But in reflecting my notions, he slips.
The details of my person he cannot show,
So he’s literally my own eclipse.
Although his ties to me are never tender,
I’d wager he will always be most true.
My image, he’ll believably render
Though it won’t seem an equal “me” to you.
In summertime, he flutters in the heat.
When we are cold, he may fog with my breath.
In bright daylight, we fasten at our feet,
But darkness parts us to his nightly death.
No one will ever give my shadow kisses,
But he will never feel sadness or sorrow.
Ignorant of the loving touch he misses,
All he desires is a sunny tomorrow.
An Early Iris Bloom
The stretching stem pierces the mulching leaves.
It tries to reach the sun and cannot fail.
Its small bloom begs for kisses from the clouds,
And drizzle falls on beardlets thin and pale.
Today, the northern wind is brisk and cold.
Too bad! The iris bloom has sprung too fast.
I cut the bud and press it in a book.
Kept there, it may not grow, but it will last.
Someday, perhaps in years, I may recall
The sprout that lived and died without a scream
And find the pages where its odors fail
And think its life was nothing but a dream.
I am also revising Aunt Charlotte's Crib in bits and spurts. I will warn you folks that I am making significant revisions to the serialized story that is still published here on the blog in the Dewey Lynn Stories tab. You can still read about Aunt Charlotte there, but the story will be different. We will have to wait and see how much.
Please think about getting a copy of Uncle Boog and the Dogfight. I have had a few more rave reviews given to me personally by readers. We need to convert those personal reviews into some online reviews--and maybe I could put some on the book cover. I don't know if I can change the cover at this point. I think I will find out.

Until next week...