Yes, that is right! Our book, as pictured above, is now available at the website posted above. You can simply go to and type in the title. I am so excited. My experience with Lulu has been awesome. Yes, it is a self-publish, vanity, Print-on-Demand press, but it was so easy, I had all the control, and the book is beautiful, inside and out. I have fifteen copies on the way. You can get a signed one from me if you want to wait, but it is up to you. You can order it, and I will write something in it later when we meet up. By the way, if you want a copy from me, here is my business email: I check it every day.
Now, I have not lived up to my Poem-a-Week challenge this week, but I do have a song that I have been working on for a while. I am stuck with it at the moment--and maybe it is long enough without anymore work. I intend it to sound like a Shaman's Harvest song, but I can't get a country music vibe out of my head. Take a peek at it, see what you think, and let me know.
Bright Yellow Signs
The endless highway fades
Over the crest of a distant hill.
It’ll take you anywhere you want,
But the road will always stay still.
The pavement is gray and hazy
Except for some solid white lines
And to keep it from driving you crazy,
You must watch for the bright yellow signs.
They won’t show you where you must go,
But they’ll point the way you need to turn.
They’ll tell you when bridges will ice,
But not that you want them to burn.
They say that you’re going too fast
To hold your shit between the lines.
The only way this journey lasts long
Is to follow the bright yellow signs.
On the road, there are dips and deep valleys
And the signs show where those will be.
The warn everyone when the highway will end,
But that’s different for you than for me.
Signs say to look ahead for a signal
Or where a lane weaves or it ends.
They’ll tell you that traffic is going both ways,
So make sure who you pick for your friends.
As always, ENJOY! By the way, I have no hopes intentions of making money selling books of poetry, but I would very much appreciate it if you could spread the word about OUR book of poetry through any means possible. Poems are always better shared.