Well, I learned something new with this picture of this flower. I have never heard of a Yellow Salsify, but according to Pl@ntNet Identify, Yellow Salsify is nearly a perfect match for this flower. The pictures there look exactly like the picture that I took above. According to US Wildflowers, this is also called Yellow Goatsbeard. As far as I know, I have never seen nor heard of this flower before. I have only seen this one. If you know anything else about this flower, please let me know. I always forget what flowers are called after I look them up, so I always get to learn something new with a new picture--even if I already knew it at one time.
Okay! Keeping with the Poem-a-Week assignment, here is a little ditty that I just finished up a few moments ago. Where it started and where it ended were not what I expected. I may change it up some a little later. Tell me what you think. ENJOY!
Love Song #1
I hear thunder in the distance.
I see the oak leaf shake
As if the whole world trembled
In the growling of a quake.
I mind the half-moon’s listing
As pale meteors streak by.
I wonder when the clouds will block
The moon’s path through the sky.
The lightning sparks like spirits
Riding fiercely into battle
Then drops under the horizon,
Though I still hear sabers rattle.
The next morning when I waken,
My skin drips with morning dew,
And the sunrise in the eastern sky
Gleams like my love for you.
Please don't forget that I have copies of our new book. You can email me (mbt1966@yahoo.com) your mailing address and get a signed copy, or you can order the book at Lulu.com (https://www.lulu.com/shop/michael-thomas/essential-words-nature-inspiration-and-imagination/paperback/product-e7prgkq.html?q=essential+words&page=1&pageSize=4) if you would rather order it that way. I will still sign it if you would like.
