Anyway (isn’t that how you begin, Michael?), I have taken over this week’s blog to explain a little about Michael’s upcoming book of poetry, Atheists and Empty Spaces, and to provide a layperson’s understanding of his poetry and why it is important. But first, the title may have confused some people. The poems contained in his volume reveal stories, if you will, of people who are looking to fill the empty spaces in their lives by whatever means necessary. Some are the types of people whom I have known in my life, and some are types of people whom I have never encountered but intrinsically know through Michael’s poems.
You see, I am an English major. I got my Master’s degree way back in 1994 and have taught composition and literature since then. So I guess I do know a thing or two about the value and beauty of poetry even though I am not blessed with the skills to create and compose. Michael, however, is blessed with these skills. What I enjoy most about reading Michael’s poems is I immediately understand them. His impressive ability to write in a particular meter and rhyme scheme makes his words flow smoothly like honey and seemingly without effort. There is a rhythm, a cadence, a magical connection of words to convey strong images and emotions. His poetry is accessible to all. That, perhaps, is one of the greatest qualities of any poet—to speak a message, a truth, so that all can understand it. Is that not why our country selects a poet laureate to serve as “the nation’s official lightning rod for the poetic impulse of Americans”*? Michael’s poetry is lightning. When his book of poetry is available, I invite people to grab a copy and read it. These are not insipid poems about personal feelings. To the contrary, they represent universal truths about people. Go ahead. See for yourself.
*Armenti, P. (2012). What do poet laureates do? The Library of Congress. Retrieved from https://blogs.loc.gov/catbird/2012/02/what-do-poets-laureate-do/
I took the picture of the white flower in this blog in Cheyenne, Wyoming on our trip to Yellowstone this year.