Bluebird Pugilist
The bluebird rams the window with his chest.
Tick! Tick! He strikes the glass pane with his beak.
He acts like he’s a champion pugilist
Who's training to defend a winning streak.
For hours, I watch him parry, bob, and thrust,
Then sit on a near limb and pant for breath.
He’s left some bloody smudges tinged with dust.
It seems he thinks this fight is to the death.
I wish that I could stop you, Little Blue.
Your enemy is formed of double-glass.
He never needs to rest, and, unlike you,
He does not feel the pain of every pass.
He’s only a reflection of a bird,
A fowl that looks, no is, the soul of you.
His battle cry, I know you’ve never heard
Unless the window echoes your song too.
And now, you sit exhausted in your nest,
Too tired to gather straw and help your mate.
You should give up this fight, blue pugilist.
You’ll never best this foe till it’s too late.
I had no success getting a picture of the little guy who has been ramming my window for the last two weeks, but I did get a picture of his mate. I really don't see how the bird survives. One day last week while I was in a marathon grading session, the male bluebird spent more than two hours fighting his reflection in the window glass. I chased him off a couple of times, but he kept coming back. I did have a little mirror hanging on the patio post for him to fight, and I thought that it was broken by hail during a storm one day last year. Now, I think that the battling bluebird might have broken it. He is viciously territorial.
I got the proof copy of Uncle Boog and other Dewey Lynn Stories. Here is a picture of the cover:

I have only just started with my proofing, but if you feel like getting a campaign started to help me get this book "out there," if you have some ideas that you would like to try, especially you younger folks who know about TikTok, Instagram, and other social media sources, please let me know. I am not a bad hand with technology, but I do not have much knowledge of social media and how to use it effectively.
Anyhow, ENJOY the poem! Keep your eyes and ears open for the eventual release of this book and a self-contained Uncle Boog book. I have a proof copy of that on its way too.
Don't forget! Essential Words: Nature, Imagination, and Inspiration can be purchased at Lulu.com, and I still have fourteen copies. Not a big seller, so far! :(
