Well, folks, here it is with only a few days left in September and many different flowers in our yard have decided to bloom once again. Kellie took this picture of a Black Velvet Petunia last evening. I don't recall when it last bloomed, but it seemed done for the year. Obviously, it wasn't.

Both of my rosebushes decided that they wanted to bloom one more time this year. The pink bloom above is the only full blossom that this rosebush produced this year. The others never really filled out, probably too dry. My red rose bush has produced thousands of blossoms all summer. The one below is the latest blossom that filled out fully.

I suppose now that it is time for the poem. I came up with idea yesterday, slept on it, and woke up this morning with a fuller plan. It is a simple but sweet poem, I think. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!
An Autumnal Portent
In Autumn’s till,
There still is room
For a willful rose
To bloom--
Or four o’clocks
To wreath their heads
In sundry hues of whites
And reds--
But time is near
When gilding frost
Regains the icy grip
It lost—
Then, Autumn’s till
Is filled with leaves,
Drying fruit, and corn
In sheaves.