On Wednesday, November 2 from 12:00-1:00, Annie England Noblin and I will be signing copies of our books Christmas in Blue Dog Valley and Atheists and Empty Spaces. Please join us for this special event on the Arkansas State University-Mountain Home campus in the Gaston Lobby of Roller Hall. Books will be available for sale, or you can bring a copy that you have previously purchased. The event is sponsored by the English Department of ASUMH.
While the previous joint book signing by Annie and I was a bit far away from home from most of my family, friends, and folks, this one is a bit more convenient located and in the middle of the day...Sooo... you can come and look at the beautiful ASUMH campus and the new fountain statue of our mascot Blaze the Trailblazer (pictured above) while having a copy of what may become your favorite books signed by your favorite authors.

The picture above is one that I took as the full moon rose over the tops of the trees on the other of the street a couple of weeks ago. I did not notice how the top of the tree limb looks like someone falling or diving across the sky until I blew the photo up a bit. In response to this picture, I wrote a short poem. Two things about this poem are a bit weird. First, I ended up writing about Phaeton, the son of Apollo or Helios, and not a mythical figure typically associated with the night--or the moon. Inspiration is a fickle muse. Second, I know that I promised to stick with a nature theme as I create my next book of poems, and this poem ended up having a spiritual or religious theme, I guess, but, you know, inspiration is a fickle muse. I think I already said that. The poem is still short, and it is song-worthy. As always, ENJOY!
Phaeton’s Ride
On any clear and cloudless night
When angels sweep star-dusty skies,
Observe each falling meteorite
As it spits flames and swiftly dies
And know that each quick tumbling light
Falls to the grave where Phaeton lies.
One fretful dawn with doubtful heart,
He dropped the reins he was given
And tripped into his father’s cart,
Enflaming the vaults of heaven.
With no god’s hands to hold their start,
Sol’s coursers were fiercely driven.
They seared the Earth. They scorched the sky
But proved he was a bastard son
Of timeless gods who cannot die.
Pray that he is the only one.
For when false gods with humans lie,
Both faith and light are soon undone.