Yes, it has been a while, my friends and blog followers, but today, I am not going to showcase any of my work. Today, I am going to share a poem written by my Aunt Marty, expressing some of the feelings that bubble up when a loved one is lost. Aunt Marty's mother Stella Almblade, passed away April 10 this year at the age of 106. Aunt Marty has shared many of what she calls "narratives" about her mother with me, and I hope to help her collect, edit, revise, and share them with others over the next few days, weeks, and months. She graciously allowed me to share this poem with you, my gentle readers.
Feelings of grief, loss, and simply what we do with our time that was often devoted to others are very difficult to articulate. I think that Aunt Marty did a wonderful job of expressing these feelings in the most basic and relatable of terms. This is a peculiar type of challenge that I have never really even attempted because of the difficulty, and she managed to do it very well on the first (I am assuming.) try. Please let me know what you think.
She also shared some photos with me. The first is of Mrs. Stella Almblade and Sunny. The second is of the cake that the poem is about. Enjoy!

I Baked a Cake Today
By Marty Gerlach
I baked a cake today
The first since April Ten.
It is her favorite; chocolate,
That's what it's always been.
I baked a cake today.
I cut a piece for her.
She won’t be here to taste it.
That thought’s hard to endure.
I baked a cake today
Such a simple task.
It's not easy on this Monday
Do you even have to ask?
I baked a cake today
To bring it for her lunch.
"I can always eat," she'll say.
Yes, she said that a bunch.
I baked a cake today,
Sunny licked the beater.
Her bright eyes seemed to say,
"When will we go to meet her?"
I baked a cake today.
I told myself to wait
To let time slowly heal me,
My heart, my soul, and fate.
I baked a cake today.
It will not be the last,
But each time will get easier
Realizing mom has passed.
The tears in my eyes are soft
But hard to wipe away.
It's weird what feelings stirred
Because I baked a cake today.
