So...for the last few weeks, Kellie and I have been getting up around 5:30 AM to go on our daily walks with our dog Luna. Being out that early allows us to see plenty of gorgeous sunrises, and both Kellie and I try to capture those sunrises in photographs. We do have some good ones, maybe even some great ones, but the pictures tend to fall well short of what we were actually looking at as we saw them.
Anyway, I have been wanting to write a poem about the inability to adequately capture sunrises, and the project has been a bust. Today, as I was reading Byron's Don Juan, I thought, "I will just randomly take one of his verses (Spenserian stanzas, by the way) put the last words of his lines down and write to them." I did. I am not sure that it is exactly what I wanted, but perhaps it will get the creative juices flowing. Here is the poem and a couple more pictures of sunrises.
Capturing the Sunrise
(Inspired by words of Byron)
No perfect likeness can a picture make,
Nor artist illustrate a scene so fair
As when Aurora stirs from her night’s break
And frames the mountain top with her wild hair.
Her lovers, then, will know that she’s awake
Yet all who think to woo her will but err,
For trying to hold her essence is as silly
As gilding gold on petals of a lily.
