I don't know that I am prepared to call my friend Patrick Gillespie my "editor" yet--I don't know if he wants to be--, but we have been working on revising the following poem, the introduction to my next book of nature poems, off and on for over a month. Now, we have not been working together every day, but we have conversed via email occasionally, and the poem has gone through several significant changes, including a title change. For curiosity's sake, I have provided the original after the revised version and a picture. If you like the original better, I would really be interested in knowing why.
The pictures for today's blog were provided by Kellie. They were taken during our daily walks wherever we happened to be walking the park, the fairground, the river park, etc. As always, ENJOY and let me know what you think about the poems, pictures, or my thoughts.
Nature’s Boy
I sing as easy as the wind,
I rival the brook in its babble,
I pollinate a willing mind,
Yet all that I do is dabble.
I trill in trees with raucous birds,
I shoal with glimmering fishes,
I look to Nature for my words
And she gives them as she wishes
Her essence moves in motes and beams
Collected, reflected, and free
To mix and toil within my schemes
And wake inert spirits in me.
So, please excuse my feral rhyme,
My half-wild words, and blind guessing,
For I keep beat in Nature’s time
And only write with her blessing.

A Nature Boy
I sing my songs like breathless wind,
I shush the brook in its babble,
I pollinate an inspired mind,
Yet the most I do is dabble.
My words lay brown on barren ground
In the dust rain rinses to wash.
Ocean-bound, infused with sound,
On distant shores, they rise and splash.
I grow and wave, blossom and sigh
To picket the post that I keep
Watching the sky with vigilante eye
Till evening comes and I fall asleep.
