L'est we forget that my blog is really a blog about poetry and having a place to share my poems and the pictures that accompany them, I have composed a poem today that I would like to share with you. For those of you with excellent memories, I said a while back that I was done with "nature" poems, but--What would you know?--the first time that I am inspired to put the figurative and symbolic pen to paper this summer, I have an idea about the birds at my feeder, the feederbirds, my yardbirds.
The idea was actually fueled by an incident that happened a few days ago. I had purchased some "economy" birdseed at Walmart instead of the usual black oil sunflower seed, and I noticed that the finches had stopped coming to the feeder as had most of the other birds except for a cardinal or two. The next trip to a gettin' place, I got the usual sunflower seed, filled the little blue house feeder, and almost before I had gone back into the house, the birds had come in flocks. I did fill one of my extra feeders with the "econo" stuff and hung it by the sunflower-filled feeder. Ironically, my yardbirds will eat the "econo" stuff if it is next to the sunflower seeds. Freakin' ingrates!
Ummm...sooo, here is the poem, and a picture or two of some of my most regular yardbirds. Enjoy!

I’ve rethought my song birds
As beggars of seeds
Who only bear me
When I fill their needs.
When the feeder is empty,
I don’t hear their song.
Their silence implies that
I’ve done something wrong,
For a few seconds after,
I’ve refilled their plate,
They all come to see me.
I don’t have to wait.
The waxwings, the sparrows,
The cardinals, a finch,
All figure my feeder
Will do in a pinch,
Then, again, when it’s empty,
How far will they fly
To say to themselves,
“We’re not bound to this guy?”
