This morning's picture was taken by my son Jesse. He had some Naked Ladies, AKA Surprise Lilies (Lycoris squamigera), pop up in his yard, and he shared the picture. I did some research because I was not sure that Surprise Lilies and Naked Ladies were the same thing. Apparently, they are. Thanks for the picture, Jesse.
Now, I have never mined for gold or silver. I don't even think I have dug for diamonds at Murfreesboro, AR in my recollection, but I do shovel around in my old poems looking for gems that I can refine, and I was tickled to find one that did not need a lot of refining. The following poem, again about birds and inspiration, was originally written in 2005. The trouble was that it didn't end. It just stopped. I know that I have looked at this poem several times throughout the years, and I never could figure out how to keep it from just stopping without an end. Well, as strange as it sounds, I cut the poem in half, threw the second half out, and found the end in the middle of the poem. I did change the metrical rhythm of the poem to iambic tetrameter rather than what it was, so I removed, replaced, and/or added 15-20 words. Still, I am very excited to have found a poem that was so easily revised that fits in with the current themes and ideas of my poetry. Enjoy!
A Cardinal Sin
(e pluribus unum)
As I lie resting on my couch,
I study how I feel at odds,
How I have coolly lost my touch
With what were once inspiring gods.
(Have I placed faith in other gods?)
I reckon the Creator’s one;
I set no idols before Him,
Nor worship them as some have done
And in that honor abhor Him.
(Have I placed faith in idols?)
I do not fear they demons be,
Nor that I will be led astray
By some who sing deliciously
And in a very lustful way.
(Have I placed faith in song?)
One who is not against is for,
One who does not slander praises,
Who asks for nothing receives more
Than those who pile empty phrases.
(Have I placed faith in ambiguity?)
My cardinal sin is not so deep.
That faith is nothing more than words,
A tiny confidence I keep
Inspired by sweet singing birds.
(I place my faith in naïve birds?)